التوصيف بالمادة

عنوان الماستر: الإدارة المالية

السداسي: الثاني

اسم الوحدة: وحدة تعليم أفقية

اسم المادة: لغة أجنبية متخصصة 02

الرصيد: 01

المعامل: 01

نمط التعليم: حضوري + عن بعد


أهداف التعليم:

The program is designed for students majoring in Economics, Commerce, Management, Accounting and Finance who wish to improve their language skills in specific contexts. It focuses on providing students with a good mastery of the English language along developing solid competencies in the above-mentioned fields of expertise. The lessons cover a wide range of topics in each specialty.

المعارف المسبقة المطلوبة :

Students must have successfully completed the lessons of S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5. They should have developed a strong understanding of the basic concepts related to their fields of expertise, namely, Economics, Trade, Accounting, Management, and Finance as well as improved their verbal communication skills.


محتوى المادة:

-     E-business Management

-     International Standards in Auditing

-     Entrepreneurship

-     Budgeting

-     Risk and crisis management Management

-     Quantitative methods in Management

-     The Japanese, German and American Model of management

-     Job Interviews


طريقة التقييم: تقييم مستمر (100%)


Cliquer le lien التوصيف بالمادة.pdf pour afficher le fichier.