How to make an argument ?

In this session, students will have the opportunity to make an argument, based on the main rules language experts give us.


When you need to build an argument, use the seven C's to develop and support a position about a specific topic:

  1. Consider the situation. ...
  2. Clarify your thinking. ...
  3. Construct a claim. ...
  4. Collect evidence. ...
  5. Consider key objections. ...
  6. Craft your argument. ...
  7. Confirm your main point.

1/ If English language education gradually prevails, the Francophone current will weaken more broadly throughout Algerian society, especially given the tendency among youth to lean towards English over French. 

Discuss this idea (present your own argument)

2/ Translation (From English into Arabic ):

In June 2022, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune made international headlines when he decreed that English would be taught in elementary schools. Tebboune went one step further this past May, announcing the launch of a new high school program in English language pedagogy to solve what he termed an “employment crisis.” And following the president’s announcement, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education instructed university directors to prepare for the adoption of English as the language of instruction for the coming academic year.

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