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Teaching Culture in ...
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الصفحة الرئيسية
الحقائب التدريبية
Faculté des lettres et des langues
Département d'anglais
MASTER 2024/2025
2nd Master
Didactique des langues étrangères
TC 2024/2025
Introduction to the course
Introduction to the course
Nouvelles diverses et annonces
(لم تُنشر أي إعلانات بعد.)
النشاط التالي
Course details and objectives
الانتقال إلى...
الانتقال إلى...
Course details and objectives
Lecture 1: What culture is not
Reading 2: Elements of Culture
Reading 3: Typologies of Culture
What culture is not?
How culture is messy and why that's good | John Curran
Individual vs Collective Culture