About the Course:

The Master of Public Policy (MPP)

 English is an intensive taught degree course that offers several lessons; topics about the subject of Public Policy (as a an academic sub-field in Political science) to learning about public policy at various levels. It is a good opportunity for students "as future leaders" so to speak, with a commitment to public service. Taught by the Professor as an academic, who will be uniquely positioned to develop academic knowledge and professional skills to address some of this century's most complex public policy challenges.
in this course, students will be able to:

1- Be well aware of the challenging tasks of Public Policy as a process.
2- Be able to deal with the main terminology and Glossary of the field through having an in-depth communication about how Policy is made and by whom, in addition to the main contributions in this political science specialty (VOCABULARY BUILDING)
Be highly interested in theoretical approaches of Public Policy, since such topics need to be debated thoroughly in concepts and theories.
4- Be ready to build up Grammatical capacity in analyzing texts in their field of interest, not to mention the opportunity to expand their knowledge in Mastery of language .
5- Be able to paraphrase, write, argue and summarize in an effective way (WRITING SKILLS).