التوصيف بالمادة


عنوان الماستر:  إدارة الأعمال

السداسي: الأول

اسم الوحدة: وحدة التعليم الأفقية

اسم المادة: لغة أجنبية متخصصة 01

الرصيد: 01  

المعامل: 01

نمط التعليم: حضوري + عن بعد

أهداف التعليم

The program is designed for students majoring in Economics, Commerce, Management, Accounting and Finance who wish to improve their language skills in specific contexts. It focuses on providing students with a good mastery of the English language along developing solid competencies in the above-mentioned fields of expertise. The lessons cover a wide range of topics in each specialty.


المعارف المسبقة المطلوبة :

Students must have successfully completed the lessons of S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 and S6. They should have developed a strong understanding of the basic concepts related to their fields of expertise, namely, Economics, Trade, Accounting, Management, and Finance as well as improved their verbal communication skills.

محتوى المادة:

-         Business Correspondence

-         Strategic management and competitiveness

-         Business Organizational Behavior

-         Organization culture

-         Organization structure

-         Knowledge management

-         Fundamentals of International Business Management

-         The Japanese, German and American Model of management

-         Logistics and supply-chain management

-         E-business Management

طريقة التقييم: تقييم مستمر (100%)

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