CEO: Semestre 1

University: Laarbi Ben M'hidi University of Oum El Bouaghi
Faculty: Letters and Foreign Languages
Department: English Department
Module / Subject: Comprehension of Oral Expression (COE)
Level: 1st  year EFL students
Semester: 1
Unit Type: Fundamental unit (UEF1)
Coefficient: 2
Credit: 4
Contact Details:
Instructor Name: Dr. Dib Fatima Zohra
Email Address :

This course aims at:
  1.  Helping students communicate effectively in English language
  2.  Developing students’ listening and speaking skills
  3. Assisting students to adapt to different speaking situations.

Before embarking in the course, students should have a general knowledge in English language. Students should at least know the basics of English.
 Students should be aware of sound distinctions and their importance in speech comprehension and production, and of degrees of formality and registers.
Course Programme (Outline):
Unit One: Introducing Yourself 
Unit Two: A Talk about Motivation
Unit Three: Tech Addiction and Social Media Detox
Unit Four: Social Media and Social Media Influencers
Unit Five: Idimatic Expressions
Unit Six: Daily Routines
Unit Seven: Speaking in Public

Evaluation Method:

During each session, a set of listening or speaking activities will be given to students .  These activities will be marked and all points that students are going to collect will be counted as a part of their TD mark (5pts) in addition to  presence (5pts), discipline and particiaption (2pts), and a listening Test (8pts).  CEo

The exam is out of 20 pts


(لم تُنشر أي إعلانات بعد.)