Course Outline
Author: Yasmina Bouroubi
Creation date: September 2024
Target audience: First-year Bachelor of Geology students
- Teaching aim:
Geomorphology is the study of landforms and the processes that shape them, generally through erosion, transport and deposition. This introductory course to geomorphology examines landforms at different spatial scales. The processes that shape and modify the environment.
Acquire a basic knowledge of the earth's landforms
The major landforms of the earth: how they came into being and how they have evolved.
- Unit: UEM11
- Subject : Geomorphology
- Course : 1h 30 Practical : 1h 30
- Coeff. 2 Credit. 4
- Course Outline
Section 1 : Chapter 1
Basic definitions - Notion of geomorphology
Section 2: Chapter 2
A brief history of geomorphology
Catastrophism- The unifomitarists - Evolutionists- Expéditions du Grand Canyon du Colorado
- Idea of an equilibrium in erosional systems
Section 3: Chapter 3
3.1. Structure of the Globe
3.2. Tectonic plates
3.3. Orogenesis
3.4. Major landforms
Section 4 : Chapter 4
4.1. Definitions
4.2. The karstification process
4.3. Karst morphology
Chepter 5.
Volcanic reliefs
5.1. Intrusive igneous rocks
5.2. Extrusive igneous rocks
Section 6: Chapter 6
6.1. Definitions : A river system, Watershed, River dynamics, The river hydro-system
6.2. River styles
6.3. Flood plain
Section 7: Chapter 7Aeolian Landforms
7.1. Definition
7.2. Aeolian landforms
7.2.1 Shapes formed by aeolian erosion
7.2.2. Shapes formed by aeolian deposits
Section 8. Chapter 88.1. Definitions
8.2. Different types of glacier Icefields
8.3. Glacial erosion processes and formsCoastal relief
9.1. Coastal
9. 2. Eroding coastal landforms
9.3 . Coastal deposits