Course Outline
Course Outline
Author: Yasmina Bouroubi
Creation date: September 2024
Target audience: First-year Bachelor of Geology students
Teaching aim:
Acquire a basic knowledge of the earth's landforms
The major landforms of the earth: how they came into being and how they have evolved
Course Outline
Section 1 : Chapter 1
Basic definitions - Notion of geomorphology
Section 2: Chapter 2
A brief history of geomorphology
Catastrophism- The unifomitarists - Evolutionists- Expéditions du Grand Canyon du Colorado
- Idea of an equilibrium in erosional systems
Section 3: Chapter 3
1. Structure of the Globe
2. Tectonic plates
3. Orogenesis
4. Major landforms
Section 4 : Chapter 4
Volcanic reliefs
1. Intrusive igneous rocks
2. Extrusive igneous rocks
Section 5 : Chapter 5
1. Definitions: Karst, Karstification
2. Main karst forms
Section 6: Chapter 61. Definitions : A river system, Watershed, River dynamics, The river hydro-system
2. River styles
3. The longitudinal profile is the course of the river (wadi) in relation to its altitude.
4. Flood plain
Section 7: Chapter 71. Definition
2. Aeolian landforms
2.1 Shapes formed by aeolian erosion
2.2. Shapes formed by aeolian deposits