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Faculté des sciences exactes, des sciences de la n...
Département mathématique et informatique
Architectures distribuées
Semestre 2
Eng (AD S2)
Live sessions
May, 20th: Projection of footages from the film ‘...
May, 20th: Projection of footages from the film ‘A.I.’
Footages from the film A.I.
Steven Spielberg
The URL will be available a day before
Modifié le: dimanche 5 avril 2020, 01:11
Activité précédente
May, 13th: Projection of a very famous video on neural networks by a youtuber
Activité suivante
May, 27th: Projection of footages from the film ‘I Robot.’
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ملخص الانجليزية 2021 2022
ملف رقم 2 تابع للملخص
Current Choices
Suggested activities ideas
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Some resources for some activities
Install Zoom client
April, 8th: Presentation by a junior engineer from FRANCE on the most used API for machine learning
April, 15th: “Ontologies in Artificial Intelligence” by a peer student from M1 AD
April, 22th: “Genetic Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence” y a peer student from M1 AD
April, 29th: A presentation by a professor from the university of Regina - CANADA on Artificial Intelligence and Optimisatio
May, 6th: Presentation of 6 knowledge domains in Project Management by the teacher
May, 13th: Projection of a very famous video on neural networks by a youtuber
May, 27th: Projection of footages from the film ‘I Robot.’
Project Management Teasers
Motivational Theories
Kalika & Dimna Abstract translated
Kalila & Dimna scientific article