Lecture 02 and Evaluative Questions

You can read the lecture and then answer a few questions at the end to test your knowledge and what you have learned. The questions are not marked.

(Vous pouvez lire le cours puis répondre à quelques questions à la fin pour tester vos connaissances et ce que vous avez appris.)

2. Learning Strategies and Study Skills

Powerful and sophisticated learning strategies and study skills are seldom taught directly until secondary or even higher education, so younger pupils have little practice with these powerful strategies. Furthermore, younger pupils are usually encouraged to use repetition and rote learning. They have extensive practice with these strategies because, unfortunately, some teachers think that memorising is learning.

The way something is learned in the first place greatly influences how readily we remember and how appropriately we can apply the knowledge later. First, pupils must be cognitively engaged in order to learn – they have to focus attention on the relevant or important aspects of the material. Second, they have to invest effort, make connections, elaborate, translate, organise and reorganise in order to think and process deeply – the greater the practice and processing, the stronger the learning. Finally, pupils must regulate and monitor their own learning – keep track of what is making sense and notice when a new approach is needed. The emphasis today is on helping pupils develop effective learning strategies and tactics that focus attention and effort, process information deeply and monitor understanding.

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