Key concepts

Consultez le glossaire à l'aide de cet index

Spécial | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Tout


Silent Way

A method of foreign-language teaching developed by Gattegno which makes use of gesture, mime, visual aids, wall charts, and in particular Cuisenaire rods (wooden sticks of different lengths and colours) that the teacher uses to help the students to talk. The method takes its name from the relative silence of the teacher using these techniques.


The study of the relations between language and society: how social factors influence the structure and use of language.

Speech Community

A group of people who form a community, e.g. a village, a region, a nation, and who have at least one speech variety in common. In bilingual and multilingual communities, people would usually have more than one speech variety in common.


A method of foreign-language teaching developed by the Bulgarian educator, Lozanov. It makes use of dialogues, situations, and translation to present and practise language, and in particular, makes use of music, visual images, and relaxation exercises to make learning more comfortable and effective. Suggestopaedia is said to be a pedagogical application of “suggestology”, the influence of suggestion on human behaviour.