
Larbi Ben M'Hidi University                                                                                             Academic Year: 2022-2023                                     
Department of English

Course Title: Reading Texts

Targeted Audience: First Year Students
Semester: II
Teacher: Bouaziz Soumia
Course Objectives:

This course helps students to:

     - identify the topic of the paragraph, the topic sentence, and the writer's main idea,

     - identify different patterns in English,

     - read longer passages effectively,

     - practice certain strategies for studying texts,

     - preparing information or ideas from different sources so students can include them in a report or paper,

     - and to develop the ability to read critically.

Course Outline:

    1. Understanding Paragraphs

    2. Patterns of Organization

    3. Reading Longer Passages Effectively

    4. Study Reading

    5. Summarizing

    6. Critical Reading

(لم تُنشر أي إعلانات بعد.)