مخطط الموضوع

  • General information about the course

    Intitulé du cours : Engaged Teaching: Cooperation and Community
    Auteur : Dr. Hiouani Amira Sarra
    E-mail : sarah.hiouani@gmail.com 
    Date de création : 26/03/2022
    Public cible : First-year Masters' students 
    Le prérequis: 

    Prior knowledge of learning theories mainly those of Piaget and Vygotsky (studied in the first semester of this module)

    Objectifs pédagogiques :
    By the end of the course: 
    - To learn how to become an intentional teacher. 
    - To learn how to create a positive and healthy environment for learners. 
    - To learn the differences between learning styles and strategies and learn how to teach them to learners. 
    - To learn about the different theoretical approaches to motivation and to eventually be able to use them to motivate future pupils. 

    Présentation du cours :
    This course includes a description of what the intentional teacher is. It outlines the main differences between an intentional teacher and a non-intentional one. It tackles how the effective lesson should take place as well as how and why positive learning environments are created. In addition, it highlights the notion of prevention as a very effective method in promoting pupils’ engagement in the classroom. Furthermore, it presents the main differences between learning styles and strategies and outlines the theoretical frameworks that sought to approach motivation in the classroom.

    Plan du cours :

    1. Intentional Teaching and the Effective Lesson
    1.1. The Intentional Teacher
    1.2. The Effective Lesson
    1.3. Creating Learning Environments
    2. Learning strategies, styles, and motivation 
    2.1. Learning Styles and Preferences
    2.2. Learning Strategies and Study Skills
    2.3. What is Motivation?

    Modalité d'évaluation :
    TD MARK: 
    Students will be graded upon completion of each lecture in the course and at the end of the course. This means that there will be two continuous assessments. Each will make up 25% of the overall TD mark. Both of them will constitute 50% of the overall mark. At the end of the course (system de sortie), students will take a final test which will be marked at 10/20 and will constitute 50% of the overall TD mark. 


    Students will be asked to give presentations face-to-face. This will make up for 25% of the overall exam mark. The remaining 75% are dedicated to the final exam, which will take place face-to-face as well.

    Description du travail attendu : 

    Students are supposed to respond correctly to questions (concerning the continuous evaluation) regarding the knowledge acquired during the course. They are also required to apply their synthesis abilities in order to take the final exam. 

    • Lecture 01

      L’intitulé de la section : Lecture 01: Intentional Teaching and the Effective Lesson

      L’objectif de la section : 

      Students can apply what they have learned from the course and apply it for maximum learning. They are also given a test to assess their level of understanding and performance.

      Une petite description sur la section :

      The lecture is presented in a "LEÇON" manner, meaning that the students will finish reading the lecture and then be asked questions that would help them to better understand it. The lecture is also provided in PDF format. Students are given a list of words that would facilitate their understanding of the lecture "GLOSSAIRE" and are given an external "LINK" for further reading. At the end of the section, students will be tested. As previously mentioned, the mark on this "TEST" will constitute 25% of the overall TD mark. 

      Des ressources et activités pour la section : 

      These are found below:

      •  Lecture 01- Semester 02- Educational Psychology ملف 172.8كيلوبايت Document PDF المُحدَّثة 28/03/22، 15:13
    • Lecture 02

      L’intitulé de la section : Lecture 02: Learning strategies, styles, and motivation

      L'objectif de la section :

      Students should be able to tell the difference between learning strategies and styles in order to be able to teach them to their future pupils. They will also acquire knowledge about motivation theories so that they can keep a motivating environment in their classes. They are given a test to assess their level of understanding and performance.

      Une petite description sur la section :

      At first, you are asked a question that is supposed to stimulate your thinking and reflection. Like the previous lecture, this one is presented in a "LEÇON" manner. That is, the students will finish reading the lecture step by step and then will be asked questions that would help them to better understand it. The lecture is also provided in PDF format. Students are given a list of words that would facilitate their understanding of the lecture "GLOSSAIRE" and are given a list of refrences. At the end of the section, students will be tested. As previously mentioned, the mark on this "TEST" will constitute 25% of the overall TD mark. 

      Des ressources et activités pour la section : 

      These are found below:

      •  Lecture 02- Semester 02- Educational Psychology ملف 339.4كيلوبايت Document PDF تم تحميلها 3/04/22، 14:04
    • Final test

      This test adds up to 50% of the total TD mark. It is marked out of 10 points. In this test, students are supposed to synthesize what they have learned in lectures one and two. Their answers should seek to bridge the gap between what they have learned in the second semester and their prerequisite knowledge.