Topic outline

  • General

    Educational Psychology I

    Lecturer: Mokhtar Hamadouche
     Associate Professor at the Department of English - Oum El Bouaghi University


    Target of the Course:

    Master 1 students / option: Didactique des Langues Étrangères (Teaching Foreign Languages)

    Description of the Course:

    The course of educational psychology has a lecture and a tutorial (TD). In the lecture is devoted to the elucidation of different concepts, theories, and ideas; whereas the TD session is mainly animated by the students under the teacher's supervision. Students present research papers regarding one of the points discussed in the lecture, or do other projects such as designing and giving a mini lesson, and so on. The course entails six chapters. Each chapter is divided into lessons or main focus areas to be covered in roughly two weeks.


    The main objectives of the course are:
    - To introduce the students to some psychological terms that
    are pertinent to the practice of teaching.

     - To introduce the students to some psychological and educational factors that play an essential role in the teaching/learning process (motivation, learning styles and strategies, effective teaching, etc.)

     - To make students aware about how knowledge of educational psychology enhances the practice of foreign language teaching.


    -         An introduction to educational psychology

    -        Research Methods in educational psychology

    -        An introduction to learning

    -        Learning theories

    -        Memory and thought

    -         Learning styles and Strategies