مخطط الموضوع

  • عام

    The Course

    o Master: Didactics of foreign languages

    o Semester: 1

    o UEF2: Linguistics

    o Lecture: Pragmatics

    o Credits: 2

    o Coefficients: 2

    The Author

    o Lecturer: Dr. Benzitouni Amina Ouafa

    o Grade: McB at L’ arbi ben m’hidi University, Department of English

    Target Audience

    o Post-Graduate students M1

    o Didactics of foreign languages

    o L’arbi ben m’hidi University, Department of English

    o Groups 1,2&3

    The study of pragmatics investigates the ability of language users to match utterances with contexts; in Stalnaker’s words, pragmatics is "the study of linguistic acts and the contexts in which they are performed" (1972, p. 383). This course gives insights into theories of language use, mainly the part of pragmatics that deals with how we communicate more than we literally say or write.

    Teaching pragmatics aims to help the student be able to use the appropriate language in different situations. Within EFL teaching, pragmatics covers topics like semantics and pragmatics, co-text and context, deixis, implicatures, Grice cooperative principle, and speech acts. These areas of language use have not traditionally been addressed in language teaching curricula despite their importance. Nowadays, teaching pragmatics is a necessity. Without instruction, students show noticeable differences from native speakers in the area of language use. Differences in pragmatics show up in the language of students regardless of their proficiency level.