Aperçu des sections

  • Généralités

    NOTE FOR 2020 students and later : See English (AD S1) course
    But you can benefit from this course used last year if you want!!!


    • English Speaking Countries

    This course makes the choice of discarding the classical methods / techniques because when arriving to last years of the graduate level, students are completely hermetic to such methods especially scientific students, at least students not specialized in English studies.

    The actual didactical approach is based on contextual learning and affective learning.
    Exciting situations / topics are used. Presentations are made by different actors: external / internal, students / teachers, from inside and outside Algeria.
    Multimedia material is used video, sound and textual. Topics are not scientific only; this brings oxygen to students rarely 'involved' in soft topics.
    Practically speaking, after and/or during each presentation or projection, discussion and Qs/As, take place followed by a debriefing and a summary on specific grammar and vocabulary elements.

    Additionally, students are brought to producing throw intensive coaching, quick wins, several rewarding small points here and there, etc. Building within such context is then possible throw personal activities a student can choose among around 50 ideas of activities sociologically and culturally close to him/her.  Students are also free to set any topic they wish as part of these activities.

    • Cette section

      Section 2

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